Hoau-yan Wang

Medical Professor

Main Affiliation

CUNY School of Medicine

Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs

Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences


Center for Discovery and Innovation









Hoau-yan Wang


Ph.D., 1988, Medical College of Pennsylvania

M.S., 1985, St. John's University (NY)

B.S., 1981, China Medical College


Fontanesi C, Kvint S, Frazzitta G, Bera R, Ferrazzoli D, Di Rocco A, Rebholz H, Friedman E, Pezzoli G, Quartarone A, Wang HY, Ghilardi MF (2015) Intensive rehabilitation enhances lymphocyte BDNF-TrkB signaling in patients with Parkinson’s disease.  Neurorehabilition & Neuronal Repair  DOI: 10.1177/1545968315600272
Banerjee A, Wang HY, MacDonald ML, Borgmann-Winter KE, Stucky A, Kvasic J, Egbujo C, Talbot K, Hemby SE, Siegel SJ, Arnold SE, Gur RE, Hahn C-G (2015) Src hypoactivity is a convergent mechanism for NMDA receptor hypofunction in schizophrenia. Mol. Psychiatry  20:1091-1100 (doi:10.1038/mp.2014.115)  Jointed first authors
Yan H, Xu T, Lee K-C, Wang HY, Zhang Y (2013) Isoflurane increases neuronal cell death by downregulating miR-214. Plus One 8(2): e55276.
Wang HY, Bakshi K, Frankfurt M, Stucky A, Goberdhan M, Shah SM, Burns LH (2012) Reducing Amyloid-related Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis by a small molecule targeting filamin A. J Neurosci 32(29): 9773-9784.
Talbot K, Wang HY, Kazi H, Han L-Y, Bakshi KP, Stucky A, Fuino RL, Kawaguchi KR, Samoyedny AJ, Wilson RS, Arvanitakis Z, Schneider JA, Wolf BA, Bennett DA, Trojanowski JQ, Arnold SE (2012) Brain insulin resistance demonstrated in Alzheimer’s disease without diabetes is associated with dyregulated IRS-1 and implicated in impaired cognition. J Clin Inv 122(4): 1-23.  co-first authors
Nagele RG, Clifford PM, Siu G, Levin EC, Acharya NK, Han M, Kosciuk MC, Venkataraman V, Zavareh S, Zarrabi S, Kinsler K, Patel N, Nagele EP, Dash J, Wang HY, Levitas A (2011) Brain-reactive autoantibodies prevalent in human sera increase intraneuronal Amyloid-1-42 deposition. J Alzheimers Dis 25: 605-622.
Wang HY, Crupi D, Liu J, Stucky A, Cruciata G, Di Rocco A, Friedman E, Quartarone A, Ghilardi MF (2011)  rTMS enhances BDNF-TrkB signaling in both brain and lymphocytes. J Neurosci 31: 11044-11054.
Wang HY, Stucky A, Hahn C-G, Wilson RS, Bennett DA, Arnold S (2011) BDNF-TrkB signaling in late life cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.  Translational Neurosci 2: 91-100.
Wang HY, Bakshi K, Shen C, Frankfurt M, Trocme-Thibierge C, Morain P (2010) S 24795 limits -amyloid - 7 nicotinic receptor interaction and reduces Alzheimer’s disease-like pathologies. Biol Psychiatry 67: 522-530.
Wang HY, Stucky A, Liu J, Shen C, Trocme-Thibierge C, Morain P (2009) Dissociating -amyloid from 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor by a novel therapeutic agent, S 24795 normalizes 7 nicotinic acetylcholine and NMDA receptor function in Alzheimer’s disease brain. J Neurosci 29: 10961-10973.